Sunday 1 January 2012

Misbah fears losing captaincy: Mohsin

"You have to understand that at his age, he worries about the fact that if he fails in one or two matches, the critics will be after him and he could be dropped," Mohsin was quoted as saying by the 'Express Tribune'.

"That's why he, at times, tends to play it safe. But he has gained confidence as captain and I have been telling him to forget about these things and focus on doing what he’s best at: leading the team by example," he added.

Mohsin also lauded the 37-year-old Misbah's captaincy and said he has developed an ideal working relationship with him.

"Misbah's an intelligent and composed captain and communicates well with the players. He has also quickly picked up the confidence to push for victories. In the last Test against Bangladesh, both of us decided on the spur of moment that even if we get 10 overs, we will go for victory and not settle for a draw," he said.

The former opener also hit back at critics who have accused him of being an armchair coach, not being physically active and holding long team meetings to the frustration of the players.

"People need to understand that the job of a coach is to make his players mentally strong and just guide and discuss strategies with them. You can not teach anything more to people like Misbah or Younus Khan at this stage," he said. 

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